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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Shoreview, MN

location-map Shoreview, MN | (651) 615 9311

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We all get stuck in behavior patterns that aren’t necessarily what we want for ourselves. Really, if we could choose, none of us would struggle with worries, fears, doubts, sadness, or loneliness. We wouldn’t need to try to push away these difficult emotions by engaging in avoidant or even destructive behavior patterns. It’s natural to try and protect ourselves from emotional pain, but the cost is high. Our lives get smaller, more inflexible, less meaningful, and less vital. My goal in working with individuals is to help people open up, live in the present moment, and make choices that are driven by values, rather than fear. I spent the first ten years of my career developing a busy private practice in downtown Chicago, before trading in the big city world for a quieter life in Minnesota. My licenses and PsyPact certification allow me to see clients in Minnesota, Illinois, and more than 35 other states. Over the years I have developed particular interest in working with people with anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety, relationship anxiety, professional anxiety, panic attacks, and OCD. This is a very anxious world we live in, but your anxiety does not need to stand in the way of you living a full life!