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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Victoria, MN

location-map Victoria, MN | (952) 855 8801

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

Accepting a limited number of new clients. At times you may not know where to turn or what to do to make things better. If you could use some support, I'd like to help. My office provides a comfortable atmosphere where I am non-judgmental in my approach. My mission is to help improve my clients' lives by focusing on their strengths to create a healthy difference that is long lasting. I strongly believe in people's ability to continue to change and grow throughout their lives. Therapy provides a unique opportunity for you to focus on your deepest concerns. Overall, my goal is to create an environment that is safe, respectful and productive. I work with adolescents, individuals, couples and families. I have received specialized training in sexual violence and crisis intervention, completed training in working with military families dealing with stress and the impacts of war-related trauma, certified in reality therapy and have experience in trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy.