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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 3 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Waconia, MN

location-map Waconia, MN | (952) 592 1949

Accepting New Clients

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Maggie Moe, PsyD, LP is a licensed psychologist practicing at Clinical and Developmental Services. Dr. Moe provides individual therapeutic services to adults. Dr. Moe's therapeutic approach is relational, empathetic, and individualized to each client based on their needs. She utilizes a variety of theoretical orientations and frameworks, including trauma and attachment focused interventions, somatic and attachment focused EMDR, exposure therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

location-map Waconia, MN | (952) 260 0102

Accepting New Clients

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I have experience working with children, teens, families, and couples regarding life transitions, anxiety, and mood disorders, grief/loss, and maternal mental health. While I mostly work with individuals 18+ now, I practice in a way that takes your relationships and their impact on you into account. I've seen people move through suffering, overcome challenges, gain clarity, and rediscover their authentic self and believe you can too. I work to empower as we explore and find what works best within your unique relationships, goals, and lifestyle. HOURS- Monday 12p-5p, Tuesday 9a-4p, Wednesday 9a-5p. Supporting Maternal Mental Health is a specialty and honor of mine. The process of becoming a parent begins long before the birth of a child. I support people as they journey through pregnancy, birth, transition to parenthood, postpartum mood/anxiety disorders, including those enduring fertility challenges, miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant loss. Through empathy, authenticity, compassion, and some humor, I work to create a safe, non-judgmental space where you will feel seen and heard. All parts of you are welcome here and I look forward to hearing from you.

location-map Waconia, MN | (952) 260 3601

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We are all influenced by our relationships, past and present. Sometimes those relationships bring up issues for us that we need to work through. I am an open and supportive therapist. I will encourage and support you in figuring out what works for you and your relationships. I look forward to working with you. Feel free to call or visit my website. I have a certificate in Trauma Counseling from the Univ. Of Wisconsin Milwaukee. I have experience working with trauma, grief and loss, depression, anxiety as well as couples and families. I was a member of the Metro CISM team and have experience working with and supporting first responders.