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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Forsyth, MO

location-map Forsyth, MO | (816) 396 0181

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Life gets to us sometimes. Sometimes we need help. I'll be your coach, support, and cheerleader through this tough time in your life, and can provide you with the good constructive feedback that you need. If you're motivated to make positive change in your life, I might be able to help you. I find that seeking to answer the common question of "why am I doing this?" is very helpful and freeing for people, and reminds them that they can in fact make changes to get their lives back on track. Although addictions and Autism are my specialities, I treat people with a variety of issues. My approach is based on being direct and honest. Your time and money are valuable. I don't want to waste either of those, and wish to get you pointed in a positive direction. I'll work to help you get out of your own way, so that you can accomplish your goals. I have a wide variety of personal experiences that I have worked through, be it depression, addiction, relationship issues, family problems, and times when I just couldn't seem to get anything done. I feel that these experiences, coupled with my education and work experience, can be very useful for patients.