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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Ladue, MO

location-map Ladue, MO | (314) 916 4603

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

Are you just f-ing tired? A car accident left you emotionally paralyzed. A medical trauma shook up your life. A recent break up has you questioning your worth. Maybe nothing tragic has happened at all, but every day you wake up it feels like you're living some existential nightmare. You want to feel worthy, energized, and engaged. I'll bet you'd even settle for feeling "normal." The thing is, I work best with the abnormal: the burnt out gifted kids, recovering perfectionists, queer folk, and generational healers. The way you exist in the world probably pisses someone off and I'm here to celebrate it. Once muttered in Willy Wonka, “A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.” In my office you'll encounter art, blankets, lava lamps, laughter, tears, games, and too much swearing. I'm not a stoic observer but a disruptive cheerleader. People arrive to my office ready for something different, and I'm her to help you embrace that change. When you come to see me, you don't have to worry about judgement, labels, or shame. It’s ok if you’re nervous and don’t know where to start. I’m ready to answer any questions you have! You can can call or email me now: my pledge to you is a response within 24 hours.

location-map Ladue, MO | (314) 912 0841

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

Do you feel stuck and overwhelmed? I help clients who struggle with people-pleasing, perfectionism, high-achievement and anyone who feels anxious, overwhelmed, exhausted and feel like they aren't measuring up. Do you engage in critical self-talk, compare and despair, impossible expectations? I teach clients strategies that positively impact relationships, mood, stress, work, parenting, lifestyle, etc. Thoughts play an important role in how we perceive ourselves, others, and our environment. I aim to identify negative, inaccurate, self-limiting thoughts and replace them into limitless thinking patterns. I am trained in cognitive-behavioral therapy, behavioral modification, and solution-focused therapy. I help clients identify unhealthy, self-limiting thinking patterns and guide them in replacing them with healthy limitless thinking habits. I facilitate improving mental strength, a three-pronged approach- managing our thoughts, regulating our emotions, and behaving productively despite setbacks or circumstances. I offer boutique counseling, therapy, and coaching services in a non-medical, confidential setting. Helping college and graduate students manage challenges, pressures, relationships, time-management, anxiety, test-taking, etc.