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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Nixa, MO

location-map Nixa, MO | (417) 370 0151

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I am a trained Brainspotting (BSP) therapist. Sessions are self-pay only. I offer professional supervision for Provisionally Licensed Professional Counselors. I received the 2021 Healthcare Champions Counselor of the Year award presented by the Springfield Business Journal.

location-map Nixa, MO | (417) 884 1548

Accepting New Clients

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My ideal client resonates with at least one of the following statements: 1) You are often told how smart you are, but you think you’ve just managed to fool everyone and are worried that one day they’ll see the “real” you. 2) You are a naturally excitable and passionate person, even if you don’t always show it on the outside. 3) People often tell you to “stop thinking about it so much,” but your thoughts don’t stop. You’re not sure you could even imagine a mind where nothing is happening. My clients want to feel like they know themselves, have confidence, and that past negative experiences do not determine who they are. View 7 Photos I specialize in guiding gifted and neurodivergent individuals who are looking to heal from trauma, learn how to better manage intrusive negative thoughts and emotions, and understand themselves more deeply. I believe that each person's path to healing is unique, so I adapt my therapy techniques to your specific situation, strengths, and needs. I am twice-exceptional myself which gives me an extra layer of insight into the experiences of gifted and neurodivergent individuals. I value honesty, openness, and mutual respect in the client-therapist relationship. If you resonate with my approach, please visit my website or contact me for more information.