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Today is March 29, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Olivette, MO
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I take a person-centered approach because therapy is 100% about you. You know the kind of person you want to be. You just need some help and encouragement getting there. We'll also look at the things you do well, because you are doing far more than you give yourself credit for. Therapy is all about helping you become your best self. My office is your space to be exactly who you want to be. Take off the mask. Break through the walls. Cuss and cry. Laugh and yell. Unload everything you've been holding in. Be your real true self, because you know that is when you are happiest. Life is what you make it, and you can be who you want to be. Rethink your life. Rethink your options. Rethink Therapy. For more about me, please go to

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