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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Washington, MO

location-map Washington, MO | (636) 466 8260

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I am a licensed psychologist with 15 years of experience in public schools as a school psychologist. I have extensive experience with conducting developmental and psychological evaluations to assess the psychological and learning needs of students, developing IEPs and behavior intervention plans, assisting families and students as they navigate the special education process, and providing therapy for children and teens. I provide individual evaluations for children and adolescents to assess for ADHD, autism, giftedness, intellectual delays, developmental delays, and other emotional-behavioral concerns. I provide therapy for children and teens using cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), social-skills training, mindfulness training, and play-based techniques in the treatment of various problems including challenging behaviors, anxiety, selective mutism, depression, ADHD, social skills deficits, and trauma. I am a certified clinical trauma professional (CCTP), with specialized training in trauma-informed care. I am also a certified autism spectrum disorder clinical specialist (ASDCS), with specialized training in the assessment and treatment of autism spectrum disorder.

location-map Washington, MO | (636) 264 8800

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Adults&Couples: I sit with adults who feel overwhelmed, stuck, and just not like themselves work through the pain of their past, and the difficulties in their inner and outer worlds so that they can feel at home inside themselves. I want my clients to feel like the life they have is completely aligned with who they are, and who they are, they love being. I work with clients that have experienced trauma, find romantic relationships and feeling safe in them difficult, couples feeling stuck in their same patterns and communication, and people who find themselves overwhelmed with their current day to day. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor in Tennessee (Virtual only) and Missouri (Virtual and in person) and the owner of Wild Roots Counseling. I am trained in EMDR, Brainspotting, and EFT for couples. I love my job and am so honored to be able to be with people in their human-ness and offer support. I believe that there is nothing to “fix” in anyone, how we show up in the world makes perfect sense for where we have been, it has even kept us safe. I would be honored to hear your story and support your personal work.