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Today is March 27, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Columbus, MS
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You Deserve More! You’ve been waiting for your life or relationship to get better, hoping the negativity, worry, and pain will end. You're stuck and don't feel supported from the people in your life. You’ve tried everything you can think of, but you continue to feel overwhelmed and discouraged because little if anything has changed. I’m here to support you. With years of experience walking alongside people in personal and relationship pain, I offer practical steps to help you and/or your partner heal and create a happy, satisfying life that is aligned with what is most important to you. Dare to believe you can get the life you want! View 4 Photos My mission is to help you become more accepting, loving and aware of yourself and others, so that you reduce stress and anxiety, cope effectively with life's challenges and take committed action to create a meaningful and productive life. I do not discriminate based on race, age, religion, ability, marital status, sexual orientation, sex, or gender identity. I offer both in-office and telehealth appointments. I use practical interventions that work to enable you to enhance your life and improve your relationships. Evening Appointments Available.

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We help children and families to survive and thrive life challenges by supplying quality service. Our specialty is counseling children with behavioral issues, such as ADHD, ODD, CD, anger and family issues. We also specialize in male psychological, behavioral and emotional issues. We provide quality counseling to children with behavioral issues and families that are struggling with dysfunction. We also, provide life coaching to individuals who want to clarify his/her goals and strive to be better in some area of life.

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