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Today is February 1, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Picayune, MS

location-map Picayune, MS | (601) 590 8035

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We all experience demands from a busy and complicated life and each of us has a limit. When we reach our capacity, we often feel overwhelmed, angry, depressed, and even anxious. We can lose our joy and become filled with worries. Through therapy, there is always a way to address the issues you face and learn coping strategies to help you both now and in the future. I hold strong in the belief that the therapeutic relationship is one of the most important aspects of therapy. My treatment approach involves providing a safe, supportive, warm and encouraging environment. I believe that every person is unique and deserves individualized treatment. My practice serves children, adults, and families. Living Tree Counseling specializes in treating Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Disorders. In addition to counseling, I also provide ADHD assessments/evaluations. My work with you will be to build a positive, trusting, non-judgmental therapeutic relationship in which we can work together through whatever difficulties you may be facing. I am dedicated to utilizing a holistic, integrated approach that values what is significant to you and will seek to be genuinely compassionate to where you may emotionally be.