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Today is February 1, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Southaven, MS

location-map Southaven, MS | (901) 531 9289

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Life is multi-faceted and so are the challenges we encounter along our journey. My clients come from all walks of life, but have one thing in common- they are ready to learn and make positive changes to begin thriving again. My approach is eclectic and psychospiritual in nature. Getting InTune with your true, higher self is the ultimate goal, regardless of the phase of life you're currently experiencing. My offerings include Psychotherapy/Counseling and Life Coaching, as well as life coach training for aspiring life coaches. I am an author and co-creator of the Essential Soul Care (R) Project- Learning, healing & thriving are key to getting InTune with your true, higher self. In therapy, I work with adults and seniors seeking help with: Anxiety, Depression, Compassion Fatigue, Life Changes, Career Shifts and Spirituality. In coaching, I work with adults seeking to enhance their lives by tapping into their intuition & unique gifts. My style of practice is down-to-earth, purpose-driven, and InTune with the client. I am known for my solution-focused and straight-forward, yet sensitive and intuitive approach, that empowers the client to achieve their goals that we set as a team.