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Today is March 27, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Bigfork, MT

location-map Bigfork, MT | (406) 300 3723

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We all encounter moments in life that can create a ripple effect in the way we view and treat ourselves. These moments may exacerbate symptoms we would normally be able to manage or they may be the catalyst for something we have never experienced. The coping mechanisms we have used to survive in the past do not define us, and with the support of a good team, we can begin to learn new skills to help move us forward. Finding the right person to talk to can be a first step in finding a path to (re)discovering a more regulated and integrated self. I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker-Candidate (SWLC) specializing in trauma-informed care, grief, and support for first responders. My background is in emergency mental health and outpatient care. I utilize a combination of modalities and skills as well as encourage creative practice, self-compassion, and body movement in nature. I offer in-person and telehealth therapy. Along with traditional talk therapy services I specialize in embodied practice, encouraging movement in nature as a healing modality. I utilize movement and activity in nature to break down barriers and help us collaboratively explore your therapeutic goals.