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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Butte, MT
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Are you finding it hard to enjoy the things you love, like school, hobbies, or because of your anxiety? Do you feel like your anxiety is getting in the way of your relationships, and causing physical symptoms like headaches or stomachaches? The good news is that with the right support and tools, you can learn to manage your anxiety and start living a more fulfilling life. I know how important it is to feel like your therapist is on your side and understands what you're going through. When you're struggling with anxiety, it can feel like no one else really gets it. My goal is to provide a safe and supportive space. At the heart of my approach is an understanding that our thoughts and beliefs have a powerful impact on our emotions and reactions. Sometimes, we're not even aware of the thoughts we're having or how they're influencing us. Let's explore how your thoughts and beliefs are contributing to your anxiety. We'll identify any negative self-talk that may be holding you back, and work to reframe those thoughts in a more helpful way. By gaining a deeper understanding of your thought patterns and learning to change them, you'll be better equipped to manage your anxiety and build a more fulfilling life.
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I have over 17 years experience in being one of Butte's 3 dually licensed professionals, meaning I am one of 3 counselors both a LAC and LCSW (therapist and addiction counselor). I received my chemical dependency training at the age of 21 (yes, I started young) at St Patrick Hospital Addiction Treatment Prog. in Missoula, MT. I believe that the best therapist is one that you can feel comfortable with, not feel judgement from and believe in their competency to assist you. With the assistance of my many years of being a counselor we will work closely together through the tears and laughter for you to be healthier on the other side. I also specialize in working with and guiding spouses of combat military soldiers with PTSD. In addition I have had great success working with adolescent clients. Finally, I have been told that I am easy to open up to as I don't portray myself as a traditional "textbook" therapist. I have worked with clients in a plethora of environments from inpatient to intensive outpatient treatment. I believe that my non-judgemental, non-traditional and non-authoritative approach is more effective with many people. In addition, I do NOT bill copays. Give me a call or send me an email and we can see if we are a good fit.
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