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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 4 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Helena, MT

location-map Helena, MT | (406) 412 6451

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My therapeutic approach emphasizes a focus on subconscious motives & creativity forms of expression. I am Depth Psychologist with a PhD in Community, Liberation, and Eco psychology and a Masters in Counseling Psychology. I do not believe in fixing people, but instead in helping them explore the reasons symptoms and behaviors are coming forward, then working toward building stronger coping skills and resiliency. Evidence for the efficacy of depth psychological approaches to psychotherapy is growing as studies show that depth psychology has a longer-lasting and more profound impact than cognitive or behavioral psychologies alone. View 5 Photos Exploring dreams, images, symptoms, and meaningful coincidences as well as interpersonal engagements, depth psychologists attempt to understand the language of the unconscious. Approaches to psychological suffering attempt to help individuals become aware of what has been cast out of consciousness. Healing is associated with allowing what has been repressed, rejected, or ignored to come forward. Certified as an Ecotherapist, I value the integration of nature with an awareness of place for optimal mental health. I often utilize art and visual media in my practice and I help clients explore the meaning of their somatic experiences and dreams.

location-map Helena, MT | (406) 578 0492

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Emily Wish, LLC provides evidence-based and compassionate care for people struggling with eating disorders and body dissatisfaction. We treat children, adolescents, and adults, as well as provide support to those who love them. The courage and bravery that we witness on a daily basis inspires and fuels our passion. We live with the knowledge that our work is bigger than us and we absolutely love and honor that. We understand that the person we are treating is somebody's mother, father, daughter, son, wife, or husband and we vow to always know and acknowledge that. Our in-depth experience working with eating disorder patients at every level of care prepares us to best guide you on the journey of recovery. Treatment is designed to provide comprehensive and focused care that will allow you the opportunity to experience full recovery in an outpatient environment. We offer a wealth of knowledge on higher levels of care, crisis intervention, and the treatment of patients with concurrent diagnoses. We are intimately familiar with the exhausting struggle eating disorder patients and their loved ones face on a daily basis, and the tremendous courage they must harness to do so.

location-map Helena, MT | (406) 282 8976

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Welcome to Stride by Stride Counseling! I believe that our struggles are created within the context of our lives and relationships, and that healing happens within relationships as well. Developing a trusting relationship with my client is always my first focus in counseling. Reaching out for support is scary and I aim to build trusting relationships that help foster vulnerability and growth. I work to support my clients' unique needs and support each person in an openminded, individualized, and evidenced-based way. Checkout my website for more info I approach counseling from a Person Centered and Narrative orientation that emphasizes collaboration, honoring your story, helping you separate yourself from your struggles, exploring strengths, and empowering you to re-write your story moving forward. I work with individuals ages 18+ experiencing a range of struggles such as anxiety, depression, and trauma. Some of the evidenced based interventions I use in counseling include Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Trauma-Focused CBT, EMDR, and Mindfulness My style has been described as warm, emotion focused, and collaborative. Reach out to me for a free phone consultation to learn more about my approach to counseling

location-map Helena, MT | (406) 551 4848

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Helena Psychotherapy is part of the Rivers and Mountains therapy group in Helena, Montana, and offers therapy, training, and consulting by Patrick Van Wyk, PhD. The mission of Helena Psychotherapy is to provide high quality psychological services based on the best evidence and scientific research available, delivered in a compassionate and effective manner. Patrick has experience in general clinical and health psychology with adults. This includes depression, anxiety and panic, phobias, trauma and PTSD, health and chronic illness. His consulting and training services focus on healthcare, integration of behavioral health, quality improvement and professional challenges, including workplace burnout.