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Today is December 21, 2024
We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Clayton, NC
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Life can be daunting and stressful. For every difficulty there is a solution. I believe it is within us all to become energized to lead happy, productive lives. Sometimes we just need some extra support to reach our goals. My favorite part about being a psychotherapist is helping people realize their strengths and become empowered to lead healthy lives. This power is within all of us. We just need to tap into it. I can help you learn how to do that. I have a very broad background in the mental health field for the past 30 years. I enjoy working with adolescents, families, couples, and people who are addicted to anything. My passion is helping adolescents, families and people who struggle with addiction. Adolescents face particular challenges at this time of their lives. They need special support and it is my pleasure to provide a safe environment so they can flourish and grow. Families and families dealing with addiction can heal. I have seen it happen and it is real. Systems Therapy concentrates on family dynamics because none of us lives in a vacuum. I also use DBT and CBT therapies. Mindfulness and living in the present is so important to mental health. It would be my pleasure help you learn these skills. My clients seem to improve their mental health as they progress through therapy with me.
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If you are thinking about counseling or therapy, chances are you are in distress, feeling not like yourself, or are looking for help in dealing with a difficult situation. You also probably want to find a therapist who is going to understand you and who has experience dealing with the problems and concerns that you are facing. I am available for in-person or telehealth sessions in North Carolina. I also offer telehealth appointments for patients located in New York or Florida. I am a Licensed Psychologist in North Carolina and New York and have training in the diagnosis and treatment of psychological, emotional, behavioral, and interpersonal problems in adults, couples, and families. I also have specialized training in reproductive, perinatal, and women's health issues. My approach to therapy is "integrative," meaning that I draw from several different types of therapy (psychodynamic, interpersonal, cognitive behavioral, client-centered, family systems) to find what will best meet your needs. I also work to understand you as a whole person, including your environment and other influences on your functioning.
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