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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Washington, NC
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Washington, NC | (252) 486 5072
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Life can be…a bit of a rollercoaster at times and can often feel unmanageable. If you find yourself becoming bogged down by life’s twists and turns, I’m here to help! My name is Courtney Howard and I am a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Associate in the state of North Carolina. My mission is to provide a safe space for you to explore, repair, and grow. Taking the steps to begin a counseling journey isn’t easy and I’m proud of you for searching for a therapist to fit your needs. Are you stressed, depressed, anxious, suffering with illness, grieving, or struggling with mood? Then I may be the perfect fit for you! I offer person-centered individual and couples/family counseling and seek to provide holistic treatment and care. A person-centered approach means that I view my clients as experts in their own lives and that clients are naturally driven towards growth. I enjoy infusing therapy with creative interventions, humor, and literature suggestions when applicable. My overarching goal is to work with you as a “fellow traveler” and provide guidance and support while also empowering you to become your best self. I believe that the greatest predictor of success in therapy is a strong client-therapist relationship. Together, we will work to create a treatment plan for your unique needs. I hope our journey can begin soon!
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