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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Bennington, NE

location-map Bennington, NE | (402) 242 5612

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Do you desire to be able to freely live your life, to reach your fullest potential, and to be able to feel fully accepted and cared for in the process of doing so? I would be happy to support you and walk beside you, as you discover who the "real you" might be, and what you are wanting in life. Your story is your story- and I want to help you to own that story. To feel genuine pride in how far you have come, and continue to go. To have a feeling of hope for better days to come, strength to let go of what may no longer serve you and what has been holding you back from living the ultimate life of your wildest dreams. View 6 Photos My therapy approach is person-centered and strengths based. I utilize therapeutic approaches including cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, narrative therapy, holistic and intuitive therapy. I enjoy working with teens and young adults—open to working with a variety of types of clients and needs. I am happy to talk with you about what specifically that you are hoping to address in therapy, and which areas of your life are currently in need of some extra time, attention, and support. If we all encouraged and supported each other more readily, imagine how much better of a world that it would truly be.