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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Lincoln, NE
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Mental Health for Adults, Children, Families and Marriages. A community of mental health professionals who are dedicated to deliver modern exceptional care for all ages. View 9 Photos Each CFTI therapist, authentic in their own way, delivers evidence based driven therapy to you whether you are an Adult, Marriage, Child, or Family. We invite you to look at our website, acquaint yourself with our therapists and give us a call to start the short process of setting you up for sessions.
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Karen earned a MA in Christian Counseling from Columbia Evangelical Seminary in 2001 and another MA in Community Counseling form Charon State College in 2008 and has been a fully licensed mental health practitioner since 2012. Karen's specialty includes, Abuse and Trauma TBRI Practitioner (Trust Based Relational Intervention), PTSD, Counseling for Families Affected by Disability, Christian Counseling, Divorce Recovery, LGBTQ Counseling, Grief, and Bereavement, Personality Disorders, Senior Adult Counseling, Stress, Anxiety, and Depression, Children, and Adolescent with family and individual. licensed in NE, NJ, IA, KS, MN Situations can occur in our lives that make it difficult to find a positive resolution. Depression, stress, anxiety, grief, divorce, trauma are just a few examples of things that can distract us from finding hope & happiness. Counseling helps increase self-awareness & understanding, bolster your self-esteem, reduce internal & interpersonal conflict alter distressing moods & improve communication. I would like to encourage and empower yourself to enjoy life and live it to it's fulling potential.If you're looking to resolve problems within yourself, your family, or your relationships with others, look no further. I am here to help you by offering a range of effective counseling services for all ages.
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