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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Norfolk, NE
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Hi! I'm Mariah Hergott. I provide individual and couples therapy as well as Bariatric Assessments and Substance Use Evaluations. Currently I am accepting referrals for clients ages 19 and older. To say that I am blessed to be a therapist is an understatement as I get to show up everyday doing what I love. I enjoy working with so many different people reaching a wide variety of goals. In my eyes, there is nothing that can't be tackled if you have someone in your corner. Starting therapy can be hard and scary, after all it's something new! When you're ready, please reach out as I'd love to help you where I can!
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This year has been rough (thanks, 2020!). Or maybe the last few years have been rough too. You're not even sure where to start. You're feeling exhausted, off track, or like you don't even recognize yourself anymore. You want to devote some time to yourself, to find yourself, and get back on course with your goals. I help people get back on track with their lives by examining what's working for them already and what could use a little updating. I work to understand your experiences and viewpoints and look for opportunities to learn additional ways to cope, new forms of communication, and fresh perspectives for the situations that cause the most difficulty. Start making yourself a priority. Email me or give me a call to talk more about working together to build a more sustainable life. Ready to schedule now? Use the link on my website to book an appointment.
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