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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 3 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Conway, NH

location-map Conway, NH | (603) 545 9386

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

In our moments of quiet reflection, which are often fleeting in today's fast-paced world, we may find ourselves listening to an inner monologue that is in limbo. Perhaps you feel there is no time to sort through all of your thoughts and feelings, and you're stuck in "go-mode", juggling the day to day but not living your life to the fullest. This stress may manifest as substance misuse, relationship conflict, avoidance, feeling "numb", neglecting one's self-care, work or school problems, parenting challenges, and more. These challenges, if the origins are not understood, can reinforce feelings of failure and self-doubt. Seeking therapy is often the first step in understanding, and ultimately resolving the conflict that arises from competing ideals and goals. I utilize elements of psychodynamic and existential therapy to help clients sort through limiting core beliefs, fears, and unconscious drivers behind their daily challenges. I invite you to reach out to see if my experience and therapeutic approach feel like a good match for your goals. I am committed to listening fully and with genuine curiosity, asking thoughtful questions, and treating all with dignity and respect.

location-map Conway, NH | (603) 730 9154

Accepting New Clients

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People seek out psychotherapy or psychoanalysis for various reasons—sometimes to solve a particular problem, more often in hopes of remedying a deeper sense of unease. The conversation may begin with a specific source of pain and then evolve to encompass the whole of one's life. We speak our desires and fears, our pride and shame, fantasies, regrets, and more. It's a process in which we make some sense of our perplexing repetitive patterns; equally, it's a way to learn to bear what is ultimately incomprehensible. In time, we can come to terms with our history and find new avenues of enjoyment, purpose, and action. Working from a psychoanalytic perspective, I aim to stay open to mental life in all its complexity, to listen without preconceptions, and to respond in such a way as to foster an ever-deepening inquiry into one's experience. The process unfolds with a spirit of curiosity and an ear attuned to the formations of the unconscious. Availability for in-person sessions will vary in response to the changing circumstances of the pandemic, but the work can always continue without disruption via telehealth; I am licensed in Maine and New Hampshire and can see patients from either state.

location-map Conway, NH | (603) 545 9386

Accepting New Clients

Average Rating
From 0 Reviews

In our moments of quiet reflection, which are often fleeting in today's fast-paced world, we may find ourselves listening to an inner monologue that is in limbo. Perhaps you feel there is no time to sort through all of your thoughts and feelings, and you're stuck in "go-mode", juggling the day to day but not living your life to the fullest. This stress may manifest as substance misuse, relationship conflict, avoidance, feeling "numb", neglecting one's self-care, work or school problems, parenting challenges, and more. These challenges, if the origins are not understood, can reinforce feelings of failure and self-doubt. Seeking therapy is often the first step in understanding, and ultimately resolving the conflict that arises from competing ideals and goals. I utilize elements of psychodynamic and existential therapy to help clients sort through limiting core beliefs, fears, and unconscious drivers behind their daily challenges. I invite you to reach out to see if my experience and therapeutic approach feel like a good match for your goals. I am committed to listening fully and with genuine curiosity, asking thoughtful questions, and treating all with dignity and respect.