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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Exeter, NH

location-map Exeter, NH | (603) 505 4695

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Wouldn't it be nice to be in the presence of an authentic, genuine person that has the capacity to listen deeply to your unique concerns and facilitate an experience of being understood? -- A person that welcomes you as a unique individual and has the capacity to work with you in a collaborative and creative manner. I am experienced in creating the kind of relationship that allows you to feel comfortable and safe with just being yourself. Grounded with this intention, we co-create the space and trust required for improving the quality of your life and wellness. I am a licensed counselor in NH, MA, & ME. I specialize in helping people connect with their true, authentic, creative essence/self. My core passion is integrating psychological, spiritual, & heart centered healing methods for the purpose of creating greater freedom & spaciousness as well as increased clarity, understanding, and perspective taking capacity. I invite you to explore your potential and collaborate with me in a co-creative process of discovery. No matter what your circumstances and challenges I will be a reliable resource that will assist you in accessing your inner strengths, skills, and resources to address any challenges you are facing.

location-map Exeter, NH | (603) 531 1580

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I believe that Life Skills Coaching is a proactive counseling approach which provides support, training, and tools to help individuals grow in their personal, professional and social lives. As a Life Skills Coach, I believe an interactive and comfortable professional environment provides my clients with the proper tools to address a variety of areas relevant to personal and professional development. My area of expertise is working with relationship issues, building self-esteem and confidence, the Sandwich Generation and anger issues. Helping clients create a healthy core self - creates change and growth in a positive way. I enjoy working both with couples and individuals using cognitive behavioral therapy, emotionally focused therapy and solution focused therapy. My sessions are very active and interactive. Homework is part of the process. I also feel that exercise and nutrition enables an individual to create a healthy mind, body and spirit.