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Today is March 31, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Milford, NH

location-map Milford, NH | (603) 673 2582

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Dr. Woodard emphasizes individual empowerment and sets his judgements and beliefs aside as he assists clients reaching their goals and self realization. In today's society, much stress and worry are often externally caused. Your inner resources can heal with an expanding knowledge and awareness. Dr. Woodard sees clients sharing their problems as a cherished opportunity to help. Please go to his home page for more information. Dr. Woodard has extensinve training in psychology and hypnotherapy with three masters degrees in different areas of psychology and a doctorate. ( Dr. Woodard works with adults. He uses hypnotherapeutic, psychodynamic, transpersonal, humanistic, and cognitive behavioral techniques when needed. Emphasis placed on understanding unique life circumstances and individuals' personal goals. He has excellent results with depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and PTSD. If interest in hypnotherapy, spirituality, expanding an understanding of consciousness, you can read his book "Perceptual Hypnosis," to enhance therapy. Dr. Woodard is sensitive to cultural background especially his Native American connections. Dr. Woodard honors culturally different perspectives. You can preorder his new book, Developing Your Supernatural..

location-map Milford, NH | (603) 836 8922

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Have you experienced vibrant well-being, peace, joy, a feeling of everything being in synch, or happiness for no reason? Unfortunately, these are often fleeting experiences, moments of grace in the midst of stress, conflict, fear or anxiety, boredom, striving, emptiness, and perhaps poor physical or emotional health. You may feel it is impossible when you are down to ever feel good again. But you can! It is a matter a bit of guidance and learning how to free yourself from the obstacles to your health, inner peace and harmony and balance. Throughout life we develop coping patterns that become written into our nervous systems. These patterns can help or hinder health, peace, happiness and well being. Awareness regarding what is helping and what is hindering is a first step. The next is to have effective tools and techniques erase the negative and strengthen the positive in our body-mind system Thirty years of practice as a nurse-psychotherapist have enabled me to develop a holistic, focused and effective healing approach adaptable for each individual client. Our work together can help you heal and release the obstacles to your goals. New skills learned during your healing process will go with you into the future to maintain health and happiness.