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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Pittsfield, NH
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Please note that I currently have a waitlist three months out. Are you looking to continue your healing journey and be the best you can be? Are you stuck in negative emotions?, unproductive patterns in your relationships? Have you been in talk therapy and want to try a different approach? Call me or e-mail me to learn more about Heart-Centered hypnotherapy as a healing tool or EMDR (eye movement desensitizing reprocessing). View 6 Photos I am a certified advanced heart-centered hypnotherapist, a licensed mental health counselor, a licensed alcohol and drug counselor, and I hold a Level II EMDR certificate. I work with adolescents and adults. At this time, my interest is in group work and individual EMDR, Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy as well as Breathwork. Stay tuned and inquire about the Personal Transformation Intensive beginning in 2020 in CT. Co-led with Yvon Nives, LCWS or Manhattan, NY.
Pittsfield, NH | (603) 967 4301
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As of today 12/15/2023 I have a waiting list. I anticipate openings in February 2024. I work with clients to understand their own thinking processes and belief systems, to develop new coping strategies and learn new skills to interact with family and others interpersonally, and to make lifestyle adjustments to bolster internal psychological and coping resources. Making targeted changes in these areas leads to improvements in overall mood and well-being for families and individuals. I work with children and adolescents using tools that are engaging and interactive and take their developmental needs and abilities into account. I work with a wide range of issues including depression/anxiety, parenting issues, attention problems, impulse control problems, self esteem, trauma, stress management, coping/adjustment issues, grief and loss, anger management, and relationship problems. Seeking help is an important first step towards feeling better. Finding the right therapist, someone you feel like you can relate to and someone who can understand you is critically important. If you think that I might be the right fit, please call or email for a consultation.
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