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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Rye, NH

location-map Rye, NH | (844) 901 1274

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I work with individuals and couples. Often men find it difficult to identify their emotions or are unable to translate their emotional experiences into words. I can teach you to learn behaviors and skills to allow you to better express emotions such as vulnerability, intimacy struggles, and perceived weakness. It is very important to most men to feel they are respected and appreciated. Men need a safe place to express their feelings of hurt and vulnerability. These are valid and important male feelings. Men can enhance their well being by learning to identify those feelings, express them appropriately, and be respected for them. Some reasons people come to therapy include; anger, stress, relationship issues, trauma, loss of a baby/babies to abortion, Intimacy Issues, grief, defining roles in today's culture, health issues, lack of self care, expressing and identifying emotions. I am a certified EMDR counselor. Licensed in CO,NH, ME, VT There is NOTHING wrong with not having the tools to express yourself. The hardest part of seeking support is making that first phone call or email. I have often had clients tell me... "I should have done this a long time ago! " Talking does help! I look forward to hearing from you.