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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Wilton, NH

location-map Wilton, NH | (603) 932 5811

Accepting New Clients

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Accepting New Clients! Are you struggling with feelings of anxiety? Are you unhappy in your relationship? Are you experiencing a stressful life transition? Do you want to lead a more fulfilling and joyful life but just can't seem to get there? If you would like to achieve mastery over your emotions, be supported through a difficult time, have more meaningful relationships, or just experience life in a more positive and fulfilling way, then I can help you. I will work with you to give you the skills you need to reach your goals. I have nearly 20 years of experience working as a counselor in the mental health and addictions fields. I have specialized training in Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT - also known as tapping), The Gottman Method (specifically for couples), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (woven into most all sessions), and Energy Work as an added bonus when desired. If you would like to start a journey towards self-fulfillment, increased peace and optimal mental wellness, I offer a free 15 minute consultation where we can discuss your goals and more about what I can offer you, so that you can decide if this is the right path for you.