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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Wolfeboro, NH

location-map Wolfeboro, NH | (603) 506 6110

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Feeling overwhelmed, anxious or discouraged because of a challenging relationship in your life or a big change? Changes, difficult people in our lives and demanding jobs can leave us drained, confused, and extremely frustrated. Lets talk about balance, boundaries, self compassion, gaining perspective, and finding ways to find peace amidst the challenges. We can work together to understand negative patterns in your life, and choose to make positive changes for yourself, family, faith and work. I especially love working with other helpers such as nurses, EMT's, social workers, ministry leaders, teachers, and parents. I specialize in helping adult individuals, couples and teen girls 16 and up. I love helping individuals struggling with social anxiety, discouragement, overwhelm, adjustment and people pleasing- find their identity and confidence. Helping type A or empathetic people recover from burnout, and offering a safe place for those wrestling with life. Lets talk about change and acceptance, ways to understand our emotions and feelings and better ways to communicate. If interested we can integrate your faith, and discuss various impacts of religious life and culture. Move toward curiosity, faith, hope, compassion, generosity and healing. I also enjoy working with ACOA and individuals in recovery.