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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Bernardsville, NJ

location-map Bernardsville, NJ | (973) 637 0213

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Providing CBT & DBT via teletherapy. Perception is everything. How we perceive something will directly impact our emotional and behavioral responses. Learning to understand the process of perception will offer ongoing opportunities for an individual to enact change in his or her life. I offer specialized treatment for college students and young professionals during their transition into college or the workforce. In my practice I draw from my intensive training in both CBT and DBT to teach these fundamental coping skills to clients. Clients have the option to attend treatment in my office or via videoconferencing. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy focuses on how an individual's thoughts directly impact one's emotional response and behaviors. By learning to understand how an individual thinks, one can better understand his or her emotional reactions and behaviors - giving clients an opportunity to learn how to create change in their lives. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy is a form of CBT which incorporates concepts of dialectical strategies, validation, and acceptance while working with clients to effect change and improve daily functioning. DBT focuses on educating clients on skills of Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation, and Interpersonal Effectiveness.