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Today is March 31, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Bordentown, NJ
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Bordentown, NJ | (609) 474 3950

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The decision to enter into therapy, although often difficult, can be one of the most rewarding choices a person can make. I believe my job as a therapist is to assist clients in making changes that lead to rich, meaningful lives, rather than focusing on the simple elimination of unwanted symptoms. I strive towards a therapeutic relationship that is collaborative and client-centered, providing an atmosphere of safety, understanding, and trust. It is my belief that within this environment, people find the freedom to do the work that leads to personal fulfillment. I specialize in anxiety disorders, mood disorders, and substance-use disorders. My therapeutic approach is grounded in the cognitive-behavioral tradition with an emphasis on mindfulness and acceptance. I have worked in several unique clinical settings with many different populations from a wide range of cultural backgrounds. Finding a therapist is not always easy. I offer a free 15-minute phone consultation so you can get a sense of my work, and I can answer questions. If you are interested in working with me please please email or call me to make an appointment.

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