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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Branchburg, NJ
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Branchburg, NJ | (732) 993 7262
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Life is filled with many opportunities as well as challenges. My goal is to help children and adolescents recognize and seize those opportunities and overcome any challenges and obstacles that get in their way. By helping them create a positive mindset, build effective coping strategies, and expand their repertoire of problem-solving skills, they can live a healthy, satisfying, and successful social and academic life. The earlier these skills are cultivated within the child or adolescent, the greater the opportunities to practice and utilize them to their benefit. My strength-based approach combines comprehensive assessment with evidenced-based interventions. I conduct assessments to identify giftedness, learning difficulties, cognitive strengths and weaknesses, social-emotional and behavioral problems, and personality characteristics. Interventions include academic and organization strategies, play therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, behavior management, and stress reduction/mindfulness. I was the Associate Director and Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the Institute for the Study of Child Development of Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. I served as an advisor for Sesame Workshop's Childhood Resilience Initiative and lead projects that build resilience in children and children of military families.
Branchburg, NJ | (732) 676 8181
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My goal is to help you reach your goals, whether you are looking to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, process traumatic experiences, or cope with current life stressors or transitions. I am confident that by combining evidence-based cognitive and behavioral strategies, with my clinical experience, we can work together to get you where you want to be. If you’re looking for a therapist to take your needs seriously, while cracking a few jokes along the way, let’s get started! Dr. Meier is a Licensed Psychologist and a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). Dr. Meier has over 10 years of experience in the field, receiving training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy.
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