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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Colonia, NJ

location-map Colonia, NJ | (908) 293 9410

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From 0 Reviews

Have other therapists failed you? did you fail to make a connection? If you answered yes you are looking at the right profile. Life affects us all, we have good and bad experiences. At times our issues may affect our ability to get the most out of life. I provide a safe non-judgmental environment, allowing you to express yourself while offering feed-back. I am a firm believer that effective communication is essential to overcoming many challenges. I also work with clients struggling with anger management and am willing to work with people who are court-mandated. No offering virtual Video sessions online. From me you will get sincerity and effectiveness. My interventions are based on a common sense approach. I use an humanistic approach. I believe client already has in their possession all the tools and answers to their issues. Society sends us the wrong messages instant gratification. and consumption. Our addiction to our phones causes us to be absent from each other. FB takes away contentment as it promotes narcissism and unjust feelings on jealously based on the fiction and competition among "friends" I also work with individuals who are court mandated for treatment of substance abuse.

location-map Colonia, NJ | (732) 497 3433

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We are a group of Life Coaches for adults on the ASD Spectrum and other Neurodiverse individuals. We teach practical real life skills such as social skills, communication skills, independent living and college/career development. We have a heavy focus on healthy relationship building from the ground up and executive functioning. Many of our clients need help in the areas of social interaction, friendship building, relationship advice, job interview skills, how to find and keep a job for the long term, how to communicate effectively, building self awareness and self confidence and achieving independence in a very social world. View 5 Photos The vast majority of our clients need to not only get motivated to take action but to also have a plan to carry out his or her goals. We work to help clients find goals, set goals and create a step-by-step plan of action to achieve goals. There is a heavy focus on non-verbal communication training such as eye contact, body language, tone/inflection, etc. The ultimate goal for each client is to help them reach their fullest potential. That means achieving a supportive interdependence with the local community, obtaining a rewarding career, a circle of friendships, a long-term romantic relationship if desired and a fulfilling and content life where they feel truly successful.