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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Deal, NJ

location-map Deal, NJ | (732) 538 8280

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As a licensed social worker, I primarily work with women, college students, and teens of various backgrounds who are facing life changes, feeling stressed, anxious, and those who are healing from trauma. I am passionate about working with individuals who are looking to gain inner peace and clarity so that life can feel less overwhelming. Together with my clients, I help them better understand their emotions and behaviors and make the changes they want to. I mainly use a psychodynamic approach and integrate CBT and solution focused interventions to help clients identify the whys behind certain patterns. I also utilize inner child work based on needs and goals. I have educational and work experience in working with survivors of trauma and abuse and I have been humbled to be a part of those journeys. I aim to provide warmth and compassion (and sometimes humor too!) in a safe environment. My goal is to hear my clients' needs and expectations for therapy and help guide them through that process. Besides providing a haven to talk, I collaborate with clients to help them reach their unique goals. I can see clients from NY and NJ virtually.