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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Hamilton, NJ
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Hello, my name is Brenmarie. I am a bilingual licensed clinician who believes counseling should be a secure experience, provide respite, and empower people to make necessary changes in their lives and habits. As a client, you are in the driver's seat; only you have the power to achieve insight and make choices toward healing and growth. As a clinician, I aim to be an aid, build a therapeutic relationship, and equip people with skills and tools to be their best-imagined selves. I try to incorporate creativity in every session. I look forward to meeting you as you are and where you are in your journey.
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I am a licensed counselor with over 10 years experience working in the mental health community. I utilize an eclectic clinical focus, comprised of components of CBT, solution-focused, and holistic approaches to assist in achieving goals and identified needs. My empathetic, yet direct approach has assisted in creating strong therapeutic relationships with new moms, adults, teens, children, and families. My passion for maternal mental health began after the birth of her second child, where finding help was like finding a needle in a haystack. I decided that providers should accessible and readily available. I received my perinatal mental health certification through Postpartum Support International to help other moms in the throws of motherhood. I believe that all individuals should have a voice that is validated, respected, and included. I offer you to reach out to schedule a free consultation to determine if we are a good fit.
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