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Today is March 31, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Hammonton, NJ
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Hammonton, NJ | (609) 270 3184

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Change is not an easy endeavor. But, by reading this, you are taking the first step and THAT is where it all starts. My name is Brittany and I am a dual-licensed therapist as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker/ Licensed Clinical Alcohol and Drug Counselor in the state of NJ. I am here to guide you as we navigate through the Stages of Change in any issue that you may be facing. I can assist you in processing concerns and events, such as career changes, relationship issues, grief and loss, complex or single-incident traumas, substance use issues (family or self) and more. View 5 Photos I am trained in both Cognitive and Dialectical behavioral therapies. I use a humanistic approach to therapy in that I believe everyone is capable of meeting their full potential in life and have all the skills within them to do so. I am also a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional, with a specific focus on building skills and healing through mindfulness. There is no better day than today to make a change. Please reach out to start the process. I'd be more than happy to be in this healing journey with you.

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