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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Jobstown, NJ

location-map Jobstown, NJ | (609) 312 5048

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Hi, my name is Caroline. I am pleased to be here and looking forward to meeting you. My primary goal is that you feel comfortable expressing anything you need to talk about. I believe most of our feelings and thoughts are universal but at the same time, many of us feel judged and therefore remain secretive. We often shrug off our thoughts due to shame and each time we do this we are further away from healing. Personal growth starts with self-acceptance. In a judgmental world, many of us remain hidden and maybe in emotional pain. It is important to be able to talk freely. Make peace with ourselves and grow from there. Bring your goals. Let us decide what to work on first. My role is to help you overcome obstacles that are getting in the way of you becoming the person you wish to be. I enjoy helping my clients find the strength that they did not know existed and watching them slowly meet their milestones. My strengths are my listening skills, building a nonjudgmental environment, and helping people see their potential. Looking forward to hearing from you.