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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Lavallette, NJ

location-map Lavallette, NJ | (201) 778 7607

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From 0 Reviews

To be self-aware and recognize that you need help is a strength that should be acknowledged. Taking the next step and finding a therapist can be both nerve-wracking and uncomfortable. While deciding to seek therapy is hard enough, finding an approachable and empathetic therapist should not be. Although it is my job to counsel and treat my clients, it is my passion to empower and encourage my clients to grow and achieve their goals. By establishing a strong rapport and a safe environment, the therapeutic relationship becomes supportive, collaborative, and non-judgmental without effort. I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a graduate of Rutgers University. I have experience working with adolescents, adults, and geriatrics. I am aware of the struggles and obstacles that individuals of all ages experience and feel equipped to assist in confronting them. I am certified in DBT and utilize a strengths-based integrative approach. The relationship with yourself is the most important one that you have. I commend you on taking the step to look for a therapist. I look forward to working with you and witnessing the hard work and courage it takes to move forward towards a happier you!