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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Leonia, NJ

location-map Leonia, NJ | (718) 568 5501

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We fear being vulnerable. We run from difficult feelings. We seek approval of others. We feel ashamed of our emotional baggage. Worst part is, we often try to hide these under our mask because of shame, fear, and anxiety. But hiding in shame only makes us feel worse about ourselves with isolation, emptiness, and a sense of self-hatred. In my practice, I support my clients to feel accepted, validated with no judgement. To promote healing and growth, I sit through difficult emotions until self-acceptance and self-compassion is communicated and received in a safe space. This therapy process is not always easy, often times if feels worse before it feels better. But I will walk with you through the difficult journey. You will learn to take off mask and find inner strengths that may bring a sense of freedom, liberation, connection to self and others. “Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength” Sigmund Freud. I received training from Columbia University and have worked with adults experiencing a wide range of challenges. I provide integrative therapy to promote wholeness and healthy balanced life in a timely and effect manner. To set up an appointment, email me at Find out more: