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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Lincroft, NJ

location-map Lincroft, NJ | (203) 424 2893

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Seeking help and support is often times not an easy thing to do, but my role is to help guide you. I am passionate about my work, and building effective, therapeutic relationships with my clients. As a Licensed Professional Counselor, I have several years of experience working with children, adolescents and their guardians/families. My experience ranges from hospitalization programs to outpatient settings. The Association of Play Therapy defines play therapy as, "the systematic use of a theoretical model to establish an interpersonal process wherein trained play therapists use the therapeutic powers of play to help clients prevent or resolve psychosocial difficulties and achieve optimal growth and development." I am a Registered Play Therapist, and find this credential to be helpful when working with children and adolescents. Using creative, therapeutic play techniques helps reach children more effectively than talk therapy. As a Registered Yoga Teacher, I also incorporate yoga and mindfulness tools with clients.

location-map Lincroft, NJ | (732) 365 4475

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Negative and anxious feelings can be transformed. If self-defeating behaviors, anxious feelings, dysfunctional relationships, or feelings of hopelessness are continually causing you pain, we can help you. You can heal and begin to live with a sense of fulfillment. With psychotherapy, you can begin your journey to personal transformation. You can develop tools to decrease your suffering, increase your confidence, and shift your consciousness. If you are ready to rise higher, let's start the conversation. Your best self is waiting. In over twenty-nine years of clinical practice counseling adults and adolescents, I have come to understand that we all make sense. Our choices and behaviors are serving us in some manner. Together we can clarify your story, and decrease negative behaviors. You have suffered long enough, it is time to heal old wounds and make the best of your present. In a safe, caring, supportive, environment, together we can work toward revealing your healthiest and highest self. A journey which promotes confidence, self acceptance, and peace only happens when you identify your faulty patterns and commit to change. It is my privilege as a therapist to assist individuals to begin this journey to healing and awakening.