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Today is December 21, 2024

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Newark, NJ

location-map Newark, NJ | (057) 512 9700

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Compass Rose Behavioral Health was established to guide and support your unique life journey by helping you discover yourself, and your purpose as your life changes directions. I believe orthodox approaches to traditional mental health are cookie cutter and go for a more individualized approach. I am committed to customizing your experience, educating you, being honest and practical. All we ask is that you trust the process. In return you will learn how to: build your resilience and develop strategies to effectively manage and/or overcome obstacles. Known for mywork with those coping with addictions, anxiety, childhood trauma, chronic illness, depression, grief and loss, parenting difficulties (including parenting a neuro-atypical or neuro-diverse child), relationship issues. I help you sort through past and current experiences by decluttering and organizing your feelings and thoughts. Everyone's journey is different. No two people's experiences are the same. I believe this is how therapy should be executed too. I want to help you bring joy back into your journey where smiling isn't forced and having a fun time isn't about going through the motions. Life's journey shouldn't be boring, and neither should therapy.