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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Newfield, NJ

location-map Newfield, NJ | (856) 475 6809

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How do you know if your heart wound is controlling you? Do you want to stop hurting yourself and others? Are you feeling stuck? How can we heal from generational pain and not transmit it to the next generation? How can we create healing in our communities? How can we make good decisions and set boundaries for personal and family growth? These questions fuel and energize me to help others. We all have a story. I desire to hear yours and walk with you on the journey toward healing, hope, faith, trust, and good decision-making. View 5 Photos I care. I desire to walk alongside you. Let's journey together to help you decrease your symptoms, get to the root of the problem, and the tools to overcome the issue and heal. There is help. I utilize a balanced and customized approach in the various psychotherapy modalities like cognitive behavior therapy, narrative, EMDR, or pastoral counseling. We all need safe places and people to heal. I have no judgment and affirmative atmosphere that provides the skills for you to grow and work through the fear, hurt, pains, shame, and poor decision-making. Let me take your healing journey with you. Book a consultation or appointment today at