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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Oakland, NJ
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Brittany Ryan-Berzins, Ph.D. specializes in individual therapy with women, adolescent girls, and children. She specializes in treating depression (in teens and adults), self-injury (cutting), anxiety, and stress specifically associated with transitions for women and girls. She treats post-partum depression, stress associated with fertility treatment, and coping with divorce. Dr. Ryan-Berzins has a special talent in guiding individuals out of depression, whether it is their first experience in therapy or if they have struggled with depression throughout their lives. Dr. Ryan-Berzins creates a warm, especially accepting environment where people feel free to explore their conflicts as well as hopes for the future. She is genuinely interested in what makes you who you are and how you can flourish in a world with increasing demands. When we understand our patterns of feeling and thinking, we are able to make lasting changes which means a more fulfilling life. Dr. Ryan-Berzins incorporates Positive Psychology, CBT, and Behavioral Techniques into treatment to produce change that immediately lifts an individual's mood.
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