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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Roselle, NJ

location-map Roselle, NJ | (732) 385 3923

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This day in age many women mask their life struggles with mental health, childhood trauma, low self-confidence, motherhood, relationship status with career, success, fashion, makeup, wealth, and unhealthy relationships, all the while suffocating inside and in silence. CCC is an unconventional therapeutic platform where one has the ability to unmask and present their true authentic self & begin the journey of healing and self-love. The journey to healing, self-discovery, self-love, & self-worth, although rewarding are most times difficult and challenging. I’m here to facilitate that process & watch you transform into your butterfly. Congratulations, I’m excited, you’re taking the very first step in achieving your wellness goals to become a better you. Welcome to your healing journey. As a licensed clinical social worker I’m committed to helping women succeed in living a healthy life. I’m passionate about helping women achieve transformational changes that will help them recover & heal. What are you waiting for? Come, have a seat on the couch, and let’s have that “uncomfortable conversation/conversations” over coffee (tea or water) and begin the healing process.

location-map Roselle, NJ | (908) 620 5192

Accepting New Clients

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The world is going through something unprecedented which is causing all types of emotions and grief. If you are experiencing these systems or just need someone to talk to throughout this pandemic, please give us a call. We currently have openings via telehealth to help you with your needs. We, you and RIVER AND ROSE , are all in this together and can not do it alone. Please reach out for help whether it be through us or someone else. The most important thing is you mental and physical health! We are spreading love your way! View 5 Photos Our practice is a combination of diverse social workers and professional counselors each with their own specialty. We offer services tailored to your individual needs, and build a treatment plan and goals specifically made for you. We aim to ensure that these goals are met and you are where you want to be, along with a safe space. I have been a social worker/therapist for over 20 years. I started my career at DCPP and graduated from Rutgers University with a Bachelors and Masters. I've been a supervisor at Trinitas Hospital and currently have a certification in Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Motivational Interviewing.