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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Skillman, NJ

location-map Skillman, NJ | (609) 375 0135

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At our practice, you will be supported by a dedicated team of compassionate and caring therapists. We are a trauma-informed, community-oriented practice that only uses evidence and research-based treatment modalities for depression, anxiety, trauma/PTSD, and other life challenges and transitions. We believe in mind/body connection, so body-oriented skills are taught and incorporated into our therapy sessions. We will teach you/work with you on integrating mindfulness, meditation, grounding, and other effective coping skills to address emotional distress, change behavioral patterns and enhance relationships. All are welcome. View 6 Photos Through our work with Penn Medicine, we've gathered extensive experience that encompasses a wide spectrum of challenges such as PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, and ADHD amongst others. Our specialties are trauma-informed therapy, CBT, DBT, and a yoga-informed mindfulness treatment. We're culturally sensitive and believe in the holistic approach to therapy. Let's begin by talking over the phone or by email. We believe in the power of human connectivity and we are passionate about you getting back to yourself and attaining the life you have always wanted. We want to guide you there, and see you succeed as many other of our clients did.