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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Tenafly, NJ

location-map Tenafly, NJ | (201) 374 8387

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Is your anxiety stopping you from what you really want to do? Want to make a change? Sometimes, this is easier said than done; especially if the problem has gone on for so long, and you feel it is difficult to overcome. Perhaps you are feeling anxious or depressed. Everyone feels sad or anxious at times and this can zap you of energy, leaving you feeling incredibly tired all the time. You may trouble concentrating or sleeping, or feel hopeless and helpless. The good news is, there are many effective proven ways to treat your symptoms. Anxiety and depressive symptoms respond very well to treatment. Therapy can help with panic attacks, generalized anxiety, and/or phobias. Perhaps you want to stop feeling as if you are losing control, or to silence the chatter in your head. Together, I can help you feel more confident and overcome your fears and/or depression. It is time to make a change. My expertise is in helping you to discover how relationships from your past, shape how you think, feel and make decisions about situations in your daily life. In individual and couples' therapy, I can illuminate when you might be choosing to do something, that while familiar, keeps you stuck in an old pattern. This will provide the opportunity for change.