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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Turnersville, NJ

location-map Turnersville, NJ | (856) 249 7051

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Hello! I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who tailors treatment to the individual and their unique goals. Among my areas of focus are trauma processing and healing, the management of anxiety and mood disorders, and mindfulness practice. As your therapist I will meet you where you are and approach your needs holistically. In a client-centered and client-paced manner, my objective is that you will first feel heard. As we work together, I will strive to help you uncover what may lie underneath the issues you are experiencing, and to instill skills to help you better manage these struggles. I am a certified Dialectical Behavior Therapist and have studied Cognitive Behavioral Therapy at the Beck Institute for the treatment of depression and suicidal ideation. My professional background also includes years of education and experience working with survivors of abuse, and I am especially passionate about serving those with complex trauma. I view all clients with unconditional positive regard, meaning that I will accept you just as you are and wherever you are in life's journey. Your comfort and safety in working together are of utmost importance. My passion is to see others overcome their challenges and to thrive in spite of them. I would feel honored to have a role in helping you get there.