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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Mesquite, NV

location-map Mesquite, NV | (702) 905 1545

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I opened CORE Mental Health Services to help individuals, couples, and families who are dealing with both mental and physical health issues. Whether it is physical (such as diabetes cancer, and chronic pain) or mental (such as anxiety, depression, and trauma), health issues you are trying to work out, I focus on personal and relational healing. When we are hurting, we often feel anxious, sad, and frustrated that we get stuck. I work with my clients to address the stressors working towards noticeable results with lasting effects. I can provide a safe and confidential environment so you can heal. My practice centers around Medical Family Therapy, Trauma and Attachment Informed Therapies to help individuals, couples, and families address communication patterns that leave them feeling stuck and disconnected. I have also worked with and helped Military and Police Couples manage the various unique stressors in their lives. My passion and expertise in couple, family, and individual therapy can help you grow, heal, and feel more connected to yourself and your relationships. Collaboratively and with a sense of compassion we will address your core concerns to promote growth and healing. I welcome an opportunity to meet with you.