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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Ardsley, NY

location-map Ardsley, NY | (914) 775 7265

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When children, teens, or young adults show mood or behavioral changes or are going through a difficult period of transition, I can help. In the supportive setting of therapy, we can find constructive ways to understand feelings, manage problem behaviors, and communicate effectively with others. We can work in a more open, exploratory way or a more structured, goal-oriented way depending on your individual needs. I also collaborate with parents and outside professionals for more wholistic care. I am experienced in relational psychotherapy, behavioral interventions, cognitive-behavioral therapy (including dialectical behavioral therapy), and play therapy. I also teach mindfulness and yoga skills for stress reduction and emotion management. I often work with people with temperament and learning differences, such as shyness, high intensity, sensory sensitivity, ADHD, and language difficulties, Such differences play an important role in emotional and behavioral functioning. I can help you develop increased self-awareness and effective coping strategies for managing your unique response style.