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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Beacon, NY

location-map Beacon, NY | (347) 577 9655

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Peter Gevisser is a licensed Therapist who works with Couples & Individuals. In helping couples work through conflict, they emerge with a deeper, more satisfying relationship. In this way, conflict is seen as an opportunity for growth. Peter also works creatively with individuals struggling with depression; & drug, sex and alcohol addiction, by exploring ways to substitute negative habits with positive rituals. Creativity is explored further with clients moving through grief. In learning to live with loss, one's life may be richer for it. His hope is that by providing a safe space for the client, the world outside will become a little less overwhelming. Imago Therapy: couples are coached to talk without attacking and listen without defending. Gevisser works from the assumption that our unmet needs in childhood are carried into relationship, and that the relationship itself has the power to heal the individuals within it. He utilizes specific Imago techniques over the course. Peter Gevisser was born in South Africa. Aftern graduating from Brown University with a BA in English, he moved to London where he worked professionally as an actor, and a writer. He gradudated from Antioch University with an MA in clinical Psychology. He now lives and works in New York.