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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Brookhaven, NY

location-map Brookhaven, NY | (917) 822 9449

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The quest for clarity, for contentment is exhausting and that "Life Is Good" banner taunts us mercilessly. Often, life isn't good - no matter how good we appear to others. Talking about our hopes, dreams, expectations and disappointments can be hard, but it's the best way to make better sense of our desire and the emotionality that necessarily comes with it. As a classically-trained psychoanalyst, and as an MBA with 20 years in the Fortune 500s and in the startup world, I've seen a lot. My professional work experience supplements my clinical expertise, offering a singular appreciation for the lives of high-striving business and creative executives. It's likely I speak (or could quickly learn) your language. I help ambitious professionals live happier, more productive lives, offering practical approaches for achieving both clarity and contentment. I work smart and fast, with empathy and an insider's edge that will make our work feel more like play. If you’re ready for a thought-partner with whom you can go anywhere, try me.