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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Hicksville, NY

location-map Hicksville, NY | (516) 990 1963

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

I often see clients are hesitant to begin therapy for fear of needing to tell their life stories. This isn’t my style; I am much more interested in what is happening here and now. The details of the experiences that have happened previously will reveal themselves as needed throughout the therapeutic process. In therapy, my clients drive the bus and I simply help navigate them through the experience. I believe the therapeutic relationship between client and therapist is one that is built on trust and collaboration, which takes time to develop. My goal is to provide the type of therapeutic environment that my clients are looking for. View 10 Photos I am a high-energy clinician specializing in working with anyone who is preconception planning, who would like support during pregnancy or postpartum, or who has experienced fertility challenges and/or pregnancy loss. I use a combination of supportive talk therapy, mindfulness, and problem-solving skills to ensure you feel supported, validated & empowered. When I had my own children in 2016, I realized how important support in the perinatal time is. I obtained specialized training to become a certified childbirth educator & birth doula and then married the two specialties of birth work and therapy services to offer full-spectrum support and assistance to anyone feeling the big emotions of the perinatal period.

location-map Hicksville, NY | (516) 518 9523

Accepting New Clients

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Welcome, and bravo for reaching out for help. The fact that you are searching for a therapist in your area means that you are insightful, brave, and ready to take the journey toward living your best life! My name is Carol McKinney, Executive Director of Victory Recovery Partners in Massapequa, NY. I am a NYS licensed professional who is passionate about helping individuals with substance abuse and/or alcohol issues reach their road to recovery. We offer individual, group and family counseling, intensive outpatient services, psychiatric care, medication-assisted treatments, complete wellness care, and aftercare programs - all under one roof. If what you're doing isn't getting the results you want, then call today. Your Victory Recovery team is here for you. Together, we can make a difference.