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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Manorville, NY

location-map Manorville, NY | (631) 449 7179

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As your therapist I would like to help you find balance and peace to embrace your true self. My goal is to strengthen your whole person so you can achieve an optimal life. I believe that together, we can build the life you have always wanted. As your therapist, I will collaborate with you to succeed in the treatment that is tailored to your needs. I will work to establish a safe and nurturing environment where you will feel validated, listened to, and heard with kindness and compassion. I look forward to partnering with you if you are seeking positive change in your life." Many individuals are stuck in emotional pain from their past; and believe they cannot move forward. Mental health counseling will restore ideals that have been lost, including respect, self-care, protection and healing. What positive steps will you take today to adapt to change and find hope for your future? Prior to changing careers, I was a teacher for over fifteen years. I have extensive experience working with children that have challenging behavioral issues.